Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New day and a new start!

Obviously, I didn't keep up with my posting. I actually DID remain sugar free for 29 days of February and lost 13.5 lbs. As soon as the month was over, I decided to give myself a "break" and indulge for one day. One day stretched into 2 1/2 months. I regained all the weight lost.

I am certain that my sugar addiction is causing yeast overgrowth, which is causing me great grief. Therefore, here I am again vowing off sugar. This time I am shooting for 100 days--yesterday was the beginning, so I am one day down. You are probably saying that I could not do 60 days and what makes me think I can handle 100 days, right? Well, all I know is that I shot for 29 days in a challenge online and I made it. Now I have joined a challenge for 100 days. I think that in 100 days, my addiction will be GREATLY lessened and I will be much healthier. I was shooting too low before.

Yesterday May 12, 2008 I weighed 181 lbs.
Today, one day later, I weigh 178 lbs.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Days 7-11

Wow, I'm not very good at posting daily! It's mostly because I go to a message board and pour out everything there. Anyway, I have bypassed some really yummy carby temptations during these few days. On Friday the 8th day, I was at a work meeting and got treated to FREE lunch at a favorite restaurant of mine. I got a grilled chicken salad and told them to hold the fries that they pile ontop of a perfectly healthy salad!! It's a regional thing--they put fries on the sandwiches too. Then, on Saturday I was at a church meeting all day (hello, anytime there is church people there is lots of food!). My first test was the beautiful bowl of chocolates sitting right in front of my chair. I removed them immediately and put them on down the table--I didn't even want a whiff of them! Then, they had "healthy breakfast foods" but nothing carb free so I bypassed the yogurt, fruit, and muffins. Then, lunch was lasagna, breadsticks, salad, and desserts. I had salad.

I'm so obsessed with not cheating that I even dreamed about it. I dreamed that I ate chocolate and was immediately so mad at myself and upset. When I woke up I was so relieved that it was a dream!

I struggled quite a bit today. I was home all day with the kids--snow day. I was doing the pantry search like I've done in the past just looking for "something" that can never be found. I ate quite a bit today, but did not cheat!

I am feeling more clear-minded and better about myself. My psoriasis seems to be getting worse instead of better, but perhaps that's what happens while getting rid of "toxins" or something.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Days 4, 5, and 6

Doing VERY well--I have avoided my "go-to" when I got stressed. One day I woke up to a huge "pee circle" on the living room carpet--my dog is getting old and cannot always hold it all night. Later that afternoon, she had "poo'd" on the same carpet (but in a different place) and my 6 yr old son stepped in it and walked around on the carpet! If that were not enough for the carpet and me--my son then spilled his dinner containing ketchup and chocolate pudding on the same carpet (in another spot of course). After all of that, my normal response would be to run to the pantry for some comfort (maybe even lick the pudding off the carpet--LOL!), but I did not do that. I have been sugar free since February 1, 2008 and I am feeling great!

I have also lost 7 lbs as of this morning. Physical ailments already showing improvement: energy level, concentration, weight loss, and my thoracic outlet syndrome has already lessened.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Days Two and Three

I have lost 4 lbs in two days.

I want to specify that when I say "no sugar" that means no fruit or carbs for these 60 days. I know that they are technically "good carbs", but they trigger sugar cravings. I do use artificial sweetners--mostly Splenda. After being away from most carbs (carb count is probably below 20 grams a day, but I'm not counting), my cravings disappear. I LOVE that feeling of not being driven by sugar. Sometimes it literally DRIVES ME to the store for a pack of cookies or cakes! As long as I can get to a store, it doesn't matter that I have no sugar in the house. If it's attainable, I will get it. Therefore, my house is not sugar free. I have quite a bit of junk for my husband and kids. Saying no to it personally makes me stronger!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Day One Pic

Yes, I'm looking pretty rough. The lack of makeup, dumpy clothes, as well as messy house completes the picture of my life right now.

Day One

I believe that sugar is not only an addiction, but a product that causes many physical ailments. Morgan Spurlock is famous for his "30 Day" experiments. I intend to go 60 days with an experiment entailing no sugar or high fructose corn syrup for 60 days. I will begin with recording my weight, measurements, and physical ailments that I believe are connected to sugar. I will also post a picture of me currently.

This morning, my weight was 178 lbs. I am 5'2" and therefore, in the obese category.

My measurements:
Neck 13 3/4"
Upper Arm L: 13"
Upper Arm R"13"
Bust: 40 3/4"
Diaphragm: 35 3/4"
Waist: 40"
Abdomen: 44 1/4"
Hip/Butt: 42 1/2"
Thigh L: 22"
Thigh R: 22 3/4"
Calf L: 14 3/4"
Calf R: 15 1/4"

Physical ailments:
Psoriasis on scalp, behind ears, and *
Dark circles and puffiness of eyes
Blackheads, oily skin
Numbness in right arm from thoracic outlet syndrome
Joint pain and stiffness, especially morning
* itching--yeast?
Excess weight, especially abdomen

*denotes t.m.i.

I will post pic in separate posting.